Wednesday, January 14, 2009

iPhone naNO

     As I finished returning a few pounds worth of books at my college I noticed a man with white Apple ear buds in his ears in front of one of the iMacs on display at the store. When he saw me he asked me if I used a Mac, and, being a Windows to Mac switcher myself, we got into a conversation about switching computers. Eventually, he mentioned that Apple might come out with an iPhone Nano, or a miniaturized version of the current iPhone, and he even said that cases had already been made for it!

     Just to clarify to anyone who might actually believe this, let me make myself clear: the chances of Apple actually coming out with an iPhone Nano are right on par with the chances of the instantaneous destruction of the internet or spontaneous childbirth. First, thousands of applications have already been written and designed with the iPhone's current screen size in mind. I doubt all of these developers are willing to reformat their applications for a different screen size. Furthermore, the iPhone operating system, by its nature, needs a certain size screen to be functional, practical, and usable. If the screen were any smaller, you wouldn't be able to effectively use gestures and you most certainly wouldn't be able to see what you were doing while performing a gesture. Overall, there is practically no reason Apple would come out with a miniaturized iPhone.

     So, please, stop talking about an iPhone Nano, it isn't coming out. And even if I'm wrong, you still shouldn't be pre ordering a case for a product that doesn't even exist!

1 comment:

Day Marie said...
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