Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The state of iPhone competition: the first attack (part 2)

Last time in my iPhone competition series I ranted at length about the atrocious quality of touch screen smart phones released thus far by varying companies. However, there is one ray of hope for true competition in the smart phone market once again! It's called the Palm Pre, and it's going to blow your brains out.

OK, maybe I'm exaggerating just a little bit, but I believe that the Palm has incorporated several key features into the Pre that make it a true competitor for the iPhone, even if it isn't perfect. The most notable of these features is being able to open more the one application at once (i.o. multi tasking):

As you can see from the video above, Palm has come up with a very pleasant way to handle multiple applications at once without bogging down the phone's speed or overwhelming the average user. For example, you can have your Facebook app open and updated while you check your e-mail and listen to music online from another service. Currently, the iPhone can only run one application at a time, making you close one to open another, which is often pretty inconvenient. Among other features of the Pre that the iPhone for some reason lacks, are picture messaging and support for wireless stereo bluetooth headphones.

Overall, I can't wait for the Palm Pre to come out and bring competition back into the touch screen smart phone market!

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