Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jim Cramer drilled by John Stewart.... from Comedy Central

It is a testament to the deterioration of modern media when a talk show host from Comedy Central is the only one with the balls to really bring out the truth. Case and point: John Stewart of "The Daily Show with John Stewart" on Comedy Central recently interviewed Jim Cramer from "Mad Money" on CNBC.

John Stewart, clearly furious at the complete irresponsibility of CNBC, questioned Cramer on why the news channel didn't accurately report on the stock market situation. An especially shocking part of the interview uncovered a hedge fund Jim Cramer used to run and the illegal practices he may have used to gain profits from it.

John Stewart truly got down and dirty with it, which is just how it should be. Overall, it was truly an eye opener, especially considering it's a talk show on Comedy Central. More news channels should be like this.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

The president of NBC was out today condemning Stewart for making a big deal out of nothing. And while I agree that CNBC isn't the reason the economy is where it is, they deserved every bit of the drumming that The Daily Show gave them. The proof of this: the fact that they had NO DEFENSE at all.